Andrews Medical

Andrews Medical

Andrews Medical began as a way of expanding our pharmacy services to become even more comprehensive and include the medical component of immunizations and testing. The healthcare industry is rapidly changing and becoming more collaborative, allowing pharmacists to expand the services that they offer. As the industry shifts, we hope that Andrews Medical continues to grow and further serve the community in additional capacities. We currently offer the services listed below.


Our pharmacists are able to administer a variety of vaccines. Appointments are encouraged for all testing and COVID vaccines. We can also schedule vaccine clinics for groups/businesses and would be able to administer those vaccines at a specified location. We currently offer:

  • COVID-19 Vaccine
  • Seasonal Flu Vaccine
  • Shingles Vaccine
  • Pneumonia Vaccine
  • TDaP Vaccine
  • Hepatitis Vaccine
  • Additional vaccines upon request


Our pharmacists are able to administer tests for:

  • Flu A/B
  • COVID-19
  • Strep

The results take anywhere from 5-15 minutes and we are able to bill the patient's insurance, with no additional copays. Our pharmacists are also able to perform the testing while the patient remains in their vehicle, making the entire process as easy as possible. If a patient tests positive for Strep or Flu, the pharmacy can then dispense the necessary medication. 

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